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Need to engage with science or research, but not sure where to start?

Quick Thinking Consulting is here to help. Whether it’s understanding and communicating existing scientific knowledge, advice on best practice for measurement and developing your own methodologies, or a review of what you or someone you’re working with is already doing - I can give you a hand.

Scroll on down to learn a bit more about me and what I can do for you!

What Quick Thinking can do for you

Science Writing and Communication

Literature Reviews

Scientific Reviews

Measurement Frameworks

more detail here!

About Me

Dr Lucy Stewart

I’m originally from (and now back in) Wellington Te Whanganui-a-Tara, after studying in the US for my PhD. By training I’m an environmental microbiologist, though over the years I’ve worked on research projects touching everything from deep-sea hydrothermal vents to regenerative agriculture. Alongside academic research and start-ups I have a proud record as an advocate for early career researchers and a better science system in Aotearoa New Zealand.

My variety of scientific experience both academic and outside the ‘ivory tower’ has given me a broad portfolio of skills including not just research but also:

  • grant writing
  • project management
  • client engagement
  • advocacy directly and through the media
  • real-world measurement framework development
  • science communication
  • and more.

In all of these areas, I know how to engage across the lines between researchers and other subject matter experts and lay audiences, and to pitch my work at the level of detail and jargon required for its target audience. Clear, meaningful communication is at the heart of what I do.


You can find examples of my other work across the internet, but for some highlights and a link to my CV see my portfolio page.

You can see the full list of my scientific publications on Google Scholar.